Surveying, Mapping and GIS

Exploring all aspects of mapping and geography, from field data collection, to mapping and analysis, to integration, applications development and enterprise architecture...

  • Geospatial Technology, End to End...

    Exploring all aspects of mapping and geography, from field data collection, to mapping and analysis, to integration, applications development, enterprise architecture and policy

Discovery Channel Mapping...

Posted by Dave Smith On 4/09/2008 07:42:00 PM 4 comments

Here's a neat site - Discovery Channel's "Earth Live" features a 3D globe, which can be revolved by the user, with in layers relating to various stories, news items and features carried on the Discovery Channel - in some cases, the layers feature time-sequence animation (screen capture of polar ice cover layers below):

Though you can't zoom in or out, or add custom layers you can mix and match layers to create your own views... A neat little 3D globe.

from slippy maps to spinny maps...

4 Response for the " Discovery Channel Mapping... "

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  3. Good design

  4. always have great stuff on this blog. Have you seen the new-ish Land Surveyors United social network for surveyors? You should join and set up your page so that all of this great information can be reached by surveyors who need it. If you send me an email, i'll send you an invite to join.. Check it out:

    Keep up the good work!
